Numbers in Arabic

This is my second book in the series 'Arabic for All'.  In this book you will learn numbers in Modern Standard Arabic  and the grammar and vocabulary that are necessary to understand and learn how to communicate information about counting, arithmetic, time, pricing, and orders. This book is...

Actions and Tools

The cards or slides in this pages can be used for evaluation and also can be used to practise : Listening: by using a screen or a data projector, the teacher can hide the Arabic script and read the sentence  and the 3 distractors to the students and ask them to choose the answer. The teacher...

Material & Methodology

Here is some material designed to help teachers and students of Arabic. The material can be used for evaluation and also can be used to practise the four skills: Listening: By using a screen or a data projector, the teacher can hide the Arabic script and read the sentence to the students and ask...
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