Fruit and Vegetables
This is a collection of cards for playing and testing. These cards can also be used to introduce new words of vegetables and fruits and revising the ones the learners already know. Actually, they are designed to teach rather than to test. Each card includes one word naming a vegetable or a fruit along with three images of three food items. The learner is supposed to make guesses with the first few cards. After several attempts with a few cards the learner will figure out that some images are repeated in a way that they are left with one option to match the word with the new image. This is called indirect teaching or learning. The learner is not being spoon-fed the information but the information is being put in a certain way that they have to workout the sequence and relation between the words and the images. To achieve the teaching objective, it is recommended that the teacher/parent ask questions about the three items even if the learner knows the answer straight away. Naming the other two items on the same card will be an introduction for the coming slides. Hence, the learner is learning new items through graduation and repetition. The names of the fruits and vegetables are indirectly and gradually introduced and then repeated in a systematic way that the learner will not make an effort to guess the next answer. Some cards are made to surprise the learner and invalidate the image orders they may have got familiar with to guess the answer and therefore, the learner will focus on the language aspect rather than their mere calculation of the sequence and order of the images.
For example consider cards [1,2,3]:
Card 1 reads: [تفاح ] apples and the three images are [spinach, apples and mushroom]
Card 2 read : [سبانخ ] spinach and the three images are [carrots, mushroom and spinach]
Card 3 reads; [فطر ] mushroom and the three images are [ mushroom, carrots, and cucumber].
The word [فِطر ] mushroom occurred twice in card 1 and card 2 as an image and a sound (if the parent/teacher does as recommended above) before it occurs as the question in card 3 where the learner has to link the script to the image after he/she has heard the word from the teacher/parent twice.
The gallery below shows samples of the cards. To download the whole collection as a PDF file with high resolution scroll down to the end of this page.
This collection can be downloaded for a donation (1.00 to £3.00) . Choose the amount you would like to pay for this collection. Once it is downloaded teachers/parents can print as many copies as they want.
Thank you for your contributions
Names of Fruit and Vegetables
- This PDF is a collection of forty cards designed as postcards with a stamp to make it more exotic and attractive to learners. The collection can be used to teach young and adult learners the names of fruit and vegetables. The collection can be used as well to empower the memory and enhance the photo memory.