Crossword Puzzles [Days]

This collection of word puzzles ( crosswords and word search) is very good for group and pair work classroom activities. The collection includes various versions of the same puzzle. This can help teacher print and use different puzzles for each group in the classroom.

Below is a gallery of the content of the collection. In the end of this page there is a link to download the collection as a PDF.

This collection can be downloaded for a donation from (£0.01 to £3.00). Choose the amount you would like to donate following the link to PayPal. Once it is downloaded, teachers/parents can print as many copies as they want. 

Thank you for your contributions 


Days of the Week Nizar Taha Hajj Ahmad

  • This is a collection of word puzzles ( 8 crosswords and 4 word search) is very good for group and pair work classroom activities. The collection includes various versions of the same puzzle. This can help teacher print and use different puzzles for each group in the classroom.
  • Lisan Arabi

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