Reading Comprehension Practice

In this section, you will find short passages in the form of text messages. Here is the first one.

In this message Kareem has texted Sara to tell her that the classes in the institute were cancelled due to an emergency case. Read the message and listen to it and then do the quiz below.

Listen to the message here.

Now you can do the quiz here.


Read the message above and choose the correct answer from A, B and C.

Sound Plurals

Plural in Arabic refers to more than two people, two animals or two things.الـجـمع هو ما دل على أكـثـر من شـخـصيـن أو حيوانيـن أو شيئيـن.
– The girls work with the children.تعمل الفتيات مع الأولاد.
– The farmers work in the fields.يعمل المزارعون في الحقول.
The regular masculine pluralجمع الـمـذكر السالـم
This type of plural is made by adding (و  and ن ) or (  يand  ن) to a masculine singular noun.جمع الـمذكر السالم جمع يصاغ من الـمفرد بزيادة (واو ونون) أو (ياء ونون
peasant, peasantsفلاح ، فلاحون، فلاحين
We add (و and ن ), if the singular masculine noun ends with (Dhammah ُ ).[ ُ ]  يزاد (واو ونون) إذا كان في آخر الاسم الـمفرد ضَـمـة
The teacher is standing near the door.
The teachers are standing near the door.
الـمُعلمُ يقف قرب الباب
المعلمون يقفون قرب الباب
We add (و and ن ), if the singular masculine noun ends with (fatha or Kasra).   ِ[ ] يزاد (ياء ونون) إذا كان في آخر الاسم الـمفرد فتحة [ َ] أو كسرة
I saw the teacher.
I saw the teachers
رأيتُ الـمعلمَ
رأيتُ الــمعلمــيـن
The regular feminine pluralجمع المؤنث السالـم
This type of plural is made by adding (ا and ت) to a feminine singular noun  after deleting the (taa marbouTah ة).جمع الـمذكر السالم جمع يصاغ من الـمفرد بزيادة (ألف وتاء) بعد حذف التاء المربوطة ة
teacher (f. s.) = teachers (f. p.)معلمة – معلمات
plane(f. s.)    = planes(f. p.)طائرة – طائرات

Masculine regular plural in idafa (relation) and pronoun suffix

Idafa is the case when two nouns are linked in a relation like possession in English expressed by:

Ahmad’s book              كتاب أحمد

The door of the house.         باب البيت

When a masculine regular plural noun occurs as the first part of an idafa structure, or when it has an attached pronoun suffix, the final ( ـن  ) of the plural ending is dropped

Case one: the second part of idafa is a noun.
Nominative Case
Accusative Case
Genitive Case

Case two: the second part of idafa is a pronoun.

Nominative Case
Accusative Case
Genitive Case



Names of colours in Arabic function both as nouns and adjectives. Therefore, when colours function as modifiers to a noun they follow the noun, unlike the English adjectives or pre-modifiers which occur before nouns.

More examples:


أريد الكتاب الأزرق

I want the blue book.

أريدُ القُبَّعةَ البُنّيّة

I want the brown hat.

أريدُ العَلَمَ الرماديّ

I want the grey flag.

 أريدُ السَّيَّارةَ الحَمراء

I want the red car.

أريدُ الزَّهرة البيضاء

I want the white flower

Test yourself


Reading [simple]

Read the notes about the three people Amal [أمل], Muhammad [محمد] and Omar [عمر] and do the quiz below.


Read the notes about the three people and choose the correct answer.

Reading [simple]

Read the notes about the three people Khalid [خالد], jamal [جمال] and Rania [رانية] and do the quiz below. You can also listen to the audio before you do the quiz to improve your reading and listening.

Read these notes and do the quiz below


Read the notes above and choose the correct answer.

Prepositions in short dialogues


Read the short dialogues and choose the correct answer to fill in the gap. These questions are short dialogues from daily life. Each question is accompanied by a translation into English. The translation is not meant to help you find the answer but it is meant to help you learn the functions of the language. 


حروف الجر Prepositions

Prepositions in Arabic are the particles that join with nouns and pronouns to form phrases. Prepositions MUST be followed by a noun or a pronoun. They do not connect to verbs. They have meanings of their own and have an effect on nouns and pronouns. They will change the vowel of the last letter of the noun from Dhammah  [ ُ ] or fatHa [بَ] to kasra [ِ  ]  . The noun after these prepositions is in the genitive case and is called (majroor). After you have studied the examples of the prepositions, you will find a quiz in the end of the page. You can do this quiz to evaluate your comprehension. The quiz is a good practice not only to see how prepositions are used within a context but also to learn some communicative functions.

These prepositions are:


After you have studied the above examples try to do this quiz.

quiz [prepositions]

Complete the sentences with the right prepositions

Here is another quiz:


Read the short dialogues and choose the correct answer to fill in the gap. These questions are short dialogues from daily life. Each question is accompanied by a translation into English. The translation is not meant to help you find the answer but it is meant to help you learn the functions of the language. 

Hours of the Day

Hours of the Day

This section includes only the 12 hours of the day. Use the expression [ًمساء] for pm hours and [صباحاً] for am hours.


One O’clock

Two O’clock

Three O’clock

Four O’clock

Five O’clock

Six O’clock

Seven O’clock

Eight O’clock

Nine O’clock

Ten O’clock

Eleven O’clock

Twelve O’clock

Telling the time [hours] requires Ordinal numbers not cardinal ones.

Cardinal numbers are usually prefixed with [الـ] because they refer to order not to number.