Hardware Vocabulary Quiz

Here is a new quiz about the Arabic names of computer parts. Read the name of the part in Arabic and choose the right image. The words are presented in sentences so you can practice reading comprehension and learn some verbs and expressions related to the computer. We will shortly publish another...


Here is a new quiz about the Arabic names of 20 professions. Read the name of the profession in Arabic and choose the right image.

Fractions [Basic]

The word for fraction is كَسْر which means . because it is like breaking the whole into smaller fractions. The numerator (number above the line) is called and the denominator (the number under the line) is called . The basic fraction words are:  

Family [Basic]

This is a quiz through which you can practice and test your knowledge of the basic family words. This quiz can be used by teachers for testing or warping up a lesson about family members. This chart can be used for illustration.

Subject Verb Agreement

The verb in Arabic includes the following items of information: Meaning Time reference Gender reference Grammar case Number Subject-verb agreement , therefore, is an agreement of gender and number. Of course this is the case only when the verb follows the doer of the verb but not when the verb...

Common Vocabulary [1]

Improve your Arabic vocabulary  through this quiz. This quiz includes simple sentences such a 'There are four seasons in the year'. All you have to do is to read the sentence and decide whether it is True or False. The quiz is designed to help learners of Arabic revise their basic knowledge of...

Fruit&Veg [images]

Learn and practice the names of common vegetables and fruits in Arabic by doing this quiz. The names of these vegetables are introduced within context. This is intermediate or advanced level. But those who can read Arabic can also do this quiz for revision.

General Knowledge

These quizzes are designed to help students of Arabic have some fun while they are practicing reading. They are designed in a way that you can learn some items of vocabulary within context. Illustrative images are provided to facilitate the learning process and give you hints to find the correct...


Nouns in Arabic can be either masculine or feminine. MASCULINE nouns refer to male gender and have no sign of gender. they are noun from the meaning of the word, such as: Student  Man  book  king  pen  FEMININE nouns refer to female gender and are of two types:...
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