Prepositions of Place

Learn and practice prepositions of place:

in [في]


next to [بجانب]

between, among [بين]

over, above [فوق]

under [تحت]

behind [خلف]

in front of [أمام]


This quiz can be used as a reading exercise of simple sentences. It can also be used to introduce and test colour words. The teacher/ parent can assess the progress of the learner using this quiz.

This quiz is for beginners. It depends on the illustration with each question. In addition to the prepositions of place, this quiz includes colour words, too.

Prepositions of Place

Look at the image and complete the sentence with the correct preposition.

Hours of the Day

Hours of the Day

This section includes only the 12 hours of the day. Use the expression [ًمساء] for pm hours and [صباحاً] for am hours.


One O’clock

Two O’clock

Three O’clock

Four O’clock

Five O’clock

Six O’clock

Seven O’clock

Eight O’clock

Nine O’clock

Ten O’clock

Eleven O’clock

Twelve O’clock

Telling the time [hours] requires Ordinal numbers not cardinal ones.

Cardinal numbers are usually prefixed with [الـ] because they refer to order not to number.

Prepositions Quiz [voc1]


Reading Practice

Read this passage and answer the questions below. Click ‘Start Quiz’.

Mr. Farid [reading]

Read the text above and answer the questions of the quiz

This quiz can also be done as a listening practice on this link.

Listening Practice


Listen to the audio and answer the quiz questions.

Mr. Farid

Listen to the audio above and click 'start quiz'. The map below is meant to help you comprehend the listening task.

GCSE [verbs4]


This quiz is to help students who are doing GCSE exams to revise their vocabulary. The quiz includes 20 verbs and their meanings. Read the word [verb] in Arabic and choose the right English meaning.

GCSE [verbs3]


This quiz is to help students who are doing GCSE exams to revise their vocabulary. The quiz includes 20 verbs and their meanings. Read the word [verb] in Arabic and choose the right English meaning.

GCSE Quizzes

Lisan, Asfaar will be providing quizzes for GCSE students. The quizzes will be designed for revision of GCSE vocabulary mainly. The quizzes will cover the word list required for the GCSE’s exams. The quizzes will cover all the vocabulary list published by Edexcel exam board.

We will publish more relevant quizzes to help GCSE students and teachers alike.

You can click on the Category drop menu in the side bar to the right,

and choose ‘quizzes’ from the menu to see all published quizzes.

When browsing ASFAAR using a smart phone, scroll down to the end of the page to see the category menu.



This quiz is to help students who are doing GCSE exams to revise their vocabulary. The quiz includes 20 verbs and their meanings. Read the word [verb] in Arabic and choose the right English meaning.




This quiz is to help students who are doing GCSE exams to revise their vocabulary. The quiz includes 20 verbs and their meanings. Read the word [verb] in Arabic and choose the right English meaning.