Crossword Puzzles [Days]

This collection of word puzzles ( crosswords and word search) is very good for group and pair work classroom activities. The collection includes various versions of the same puzzle. This can help teacher print and use different puzzles for each group in the classroom. Below is a gallery of the...

Crossword Puzzles

This collection of crossword and word search puzzles are very enjoyable and helpful for young and adult learners alike. Simply, they are made to teach rather than to test, challenging though. These puzzles are designed to serve in various ways that empower vocabulary, enhance...

Days of the Week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday day , plural today ( remember  to refer to as the definite article which makes the word 'day' means 'today'. tomorrow the day after tomorrow yesterday the day before yesterday last night tomorrow...

The Head

Head parts are fun to learn and fun to teach as there are many games that involve the senses. As you know the head is the place for four of the senses: smell, hearing, sight and taste. Introducing the parts of the head is as simple as ABC as the teacher can use body language to introduce the names...

Quizzes [classroom2]

This quiz is for reading simple sentences. Depending on the picture, you have to find the answers to the questions. Therefore, the answer depends on both reading the sentence and considering the content of the picture. This quiz is good for classroom  vocabulary.  

Body Parts

Learning the body parts is one of the most important and fun things young learners can do during their basic learning of a language. Their body parts are the closest objects they can be sure of as they are theirs and they use them with no interference of adults. Therefore, they are always excited...
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