The Land of Sad Oranges

Ghassan Kanafani was born in Akka, Palestine, in 1936. He died when an explosive devise planted by an Israeli operative, detonated under his car on July 8th, 1972. His wife Annie, a Danish national, described the event as such: “…We used to go shopping together every Saturday morning, on that...

Our Resources YouTube

Lisan Arabi's channel on YouTube is growing with the new videos we upload on regular bases. The videos are designed to serve both Arabic and English speakers alike. These videos are meant to help speakers of other languages (mainly English speakers) to learn Arabic and Arabic speakers to learn...

Number: Lesson One

Would life go on without numbers which are like the basic alphabet of mathematics and physics? Would human language survive as a communicative tool without these digits and numbers. The human mind invented and developed numbers since time immemorial. Numbers are indispensable for human...

My Home

This quiz covers the various parts of the house and the items of furniture. It includes images and the quiz-taker should choose within 15 seconds the correct answer from four multiple options. This quiz can be useful for all levels as it is word-level activity. It also helps for revision and...

Insects In Arabic

This post includes two quizzes on the same topic. Insects in Arabic. This post covers the names of the names of 14 insects and reptiles. Read the word and choose the correct image. Look at the image and choose the correct word

Sound and Weak Letters

They are called /huroof al hijaa'/ حروف الهجاء Because Arabic is written cursively, the letters are connected and therefore, the shape of the letter changes when it is connected to another letter. The letters have four positions, separate, initial, middle and final. These are:...

Enrich Your Vocabulary set 10

This video below introduces 21 items of vocabulary. These 21 items include the two connective letters in various positions within the word. After you have watched the video and learned the words, you can scroll down this page to do the interactive quizzes and check your progress. This resource...
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